We have done our utmost to be as accurate as possible when presenting all the descriptive narrations and visualizations contained on this website. The correctness and competence of the information can change without notice and must therefore be considered only for informative and illustrative purposes.
A buyer is entitled to alternative resolution of consumer disputes in accordance with Section 20d et seq. of Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on consumer protection, and the Czech Trade Inspectorate (http://www.coi.cz) is the authority competent to perform such alternative resolution.
Marina Island s.r.o., Jankovcova 1595/14, 170 00 Praha 7, IČO 27884201, DIČ CZ27884201
zapsaná v Obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, oddíl C., vložka 124033